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A new informative and mind captured training to the ZERO2HEROS 👀 One of the *Professional and Personal Development Trainings* was performed in Ingolstadt as “Scrum Workshop”. In the training *ZEROs* and *HEROs* had the chance to learn Scrum methodology both theoritically and practically in the *Scrum Workshop* we held in Ingolstadt. The Workshop was prepared and presented by *Aykut Demir* and *Eyüp Coşkun* who have many experiences and certificates in this field. For the practical experience and application of SCRUM  and *Website Design* part was done via *Trello* and *Miro Board*respectively. Participation certificates will be sent to the e-mail address of the participants. 💥 Our community will organize such kind of trainings in the future for supporting our Zeroes and Heroes. 💥 *All together for the better*